Thursday, November 6, 2008

A little update

Dear friends,
Well, I thought I'd just let you know a few things that are going on with us. First the good news, which I may be a bit premature in announcing, but oh well. I'm pregnant!!!! I'm ten weeks along today. So I know I should probably not be telling yet, but I'm not very good at keeping this secret! I've definately been feeling not the best, but its not as bad and last time. I started taking a supplement called Superfood Plus that really helped within about two days of starting it. We are really excited to have another baby and a sibling for Abby.

Now the bad news, I'm sorry to say that Mike is losing his job. His company decided to shut down the networking part of their business here in Salt Lake City, and Mike was given the choice to either move to Kansas City or Omaha or be laid off. We were really shocked. We knew things were slow, but thought they were going to give the sales guys at least six more months to get things going. Guess not. As most of you know, we just moved back here to be closer to family, especially Mike's parents who are getting older and whose health is not always the best. So we decided not to agree to relocate, feeling pretty confident that Mike could get another job here. Well, things aren't going too well. There was a great opportunity at Zions Bank that we thought Mike was going to get because they kept telling him he was the top candidate and should be expecting an offer soon. Then they came back and said they chose another person after all. Mike talked to so many people in the last couple weeks and had many interviews, but now everyone is coming back saying they don't want to hire right now, or whatever they decide to say when they don't want you. Its very discouraging and scary. We have some savings and can last a few months, but our rent is pretty high, which was fine before but not now. Our lease isn't up until April, but if Mike can't find something in the next month or two I guess we'll have to see if our owners will try to find new renters and let us end the lease early so we don't drain all our savings on the rent and have nothing left for moving somewhere. I guess we can move back in with my family for a while if neccessary. Either that or go back to MSI and say we want to relocate after all, or maybe go back to Obsidian in Oregen, who would love to have Mike back. But I'm sure they'd expect us to make a committment to stay there forever or something.
Anyway, I don't really see why I shough hide all this from my friends and family. We could really use your faith and prayers on our behalf during this stressful time. Mike is especially struggling. I will try to do a more cheerful post soon and put up some great pictures I've got. I'm really trying to stay positive and stuff.
Abby is cute as ever and getting bigger and more amazing and fun every day. We're sure blessed to have her and each other. I know things will work out somehow. Hope you are all doing well,
Love you, Rachel


rachel said...

Well first of all, dear friend, CONGRATULATIONS on another baby!! I am so excited for you guys and for little Abby to have a sibling. I am so glad you're not as sick as the first time around. Hooray for that.

I am so sorry about Mike's jobloss. What a trial you're going through with that. I will definitely be thinking and praying for you. You and I both know, though, that it will all work out in the end. Hang in there. Hold on to the faith you have.

And hey! If you end up back here in Oregon, I won't complain! ;)

Love ya!

Kirsten said...

I am so excited that you are expecting, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is wonderful news.
I too am sooooooo sorry to hear about the job loss, we will keep you in out thoughts and prayers, I am so sorry that you have to go through this trial. Sending lots of love your way, miss you!!!

Julee and Matt said...

Oh...congrats on another baby, that is great news. I am sorry to hear about Mike, I totally know what that is like trying to find a job and keeping the faith. Things will work out, I am sure of it. We are close to you now (even though I am in Oregon until Tuesday visiting) but call me and come let Abby play with Madyson and Macee and you can vent to me. I will have Matt keep his eyes open for anything with the city.
Love you!

Paula said...

I'm so happy that you guys are adding to your family! That's wonderful and Abby will be a great big sister!!

That's sad news about Mike's job. :-( We will keep you in our prayers that something amazing will come along. My brother in law works for ADP in Salt Lake...if you want I can have him check to see if they have any openings...they usually do.

benny said...

Hey Rach! Congraulations. I am so glad to hear you are pregnant. I hope that Mike is able to find another job soon. We will be thinking of you. Love you! -emy

Unknown said...

Wow- Congratulations! Hope you feel good- I'm so excited for you, new babies are always lots of fun! Scary about the job situation, I hope it works out soon. What a trying time. We'll keep you in our prayers and I'll pass the news onto the rest of playgroup- we miss you!

Ott family said...

Congrats on the new baby! We are excited for you.
Sorry to hear about the job loss, but I have to agree with Rachel, I won't complain if you end up back in Oregon.
I hope it all works out for you and we will keep your family in our prayers!